Funeral plans protest of Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas, were greeted with scorn in Arizona. Tucson residents say they would keep protesters from blocking the trail of killings on Saturday. The parliament passed a law to help.
Plans for the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan., are picketing the funeral of shooting victim met Saturday to consider a concerted effort by citizens and legislators on the protesters at a distance .
The following paragraphState legislators passed a law Tuesday that illegal demonstrations within 300 feet of the house, place of worship, cemetery, funeral home or just before, during or after a party or funeral.
Tucson residents have come into action during the broadcast news about events. Many want to meet the demonstrators with barricades of man and some say they are oversized wear "angel wings" Bereavement demonstrators look for roadside shield funeral.
Meanwhile, law enforcement authorities are developing additional security measures at various locations funerals in the coming days to implement to ensure that events and event-cons is not the hand.
"We are all the precautions we can ensure that it does not take violence," said Renee Carlson Deputy Director of the sheriff of Pima County. "We will ensure that everyone is at the immune to these events. "
The controversial church, which consist mainly of Reverend Fred Phelps and members of his family, believes that God is punishing America for its growing acceptance of gay rights by killing American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. The group has protested against the burial of Elizabeth Edwards, wife of former presidential candidate John Edwards.
The U.S. Supreme Court is considering legal action against the practice of the church to protest against the funeral, Iraq brought the father of a U.S. Marine killed.
Some cry Tucsonans, always on the mass shootings that left six dead and 14 wounded in the left, including U.S. Rep. Giffords. Gabrielle (D) said picket the funeral would be common.
"I do not understand the logic that we have a tragedy here," Beckert said Phyllis, with her husband, MLA, paid tribute Tuesday at a memorial of flowers, candles and appointments and messages from the office of Congress Giffords Tucson. Doctors say Giffords, who was shot in the head point blank Saturday on her own breath and is alert and responsive.
Lizette Fimbres, a dental assistant, stopped by the makeshift shrine during their lunch break to write a note to members of Congress. You will not believe that someone in protest at every funeral.
"It's just crazy," she said.
The first regular service for 9 years, Christina Green is scheduled for Thursday afternoon at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.
Classes were canceled at the church school. About noon Tuesday, a group of law enforcement agencies to inspect the area and with church workers.
Christina has faced-and-greet Giffords Saturday with a neighbor, Susan Hileman disappeared. The girl and his wife were holding hands when they were shot, Bill Hileman said at a news conference Tuesday.
Hileman woman who was shot three times survived.
His wife and daughter "were out for generations, but birds of a feather," said Hileman.
The law was last Tuesday, protesters keep the roots. "This law is an emergency measure necessary, the public peace, health or safety must be maintained and shall take effect immediately as provided by law", said the new law.
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